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Do you need more practice working around other dogs or people to reduce reactivity, fear or aggression?


Be part of a group of like-minded people who have the same goals of improving relationship and practicing new skills.

Having the support in a community helps keep you motivated to train and gives lots of different dogs and humans to learn from.


This is for anyone looking for a safe, non judgmental and supportive community

of dog owners who know what it's like to own a "bad" dog.


Every month members will receive an email to sign-up along with details on where we’re getting together. We limit the groups to a maximum of 5 dogs for each session to keep the reactivity to a minimum.

A new client consult must be booked in order to become a member
You may have to attend "Bad Dogs Class" before becoming a member


Simply put - Private Lessons and group class are where you learn what to do and Bad Dogs Club is where
you practice what you've learned in a safe, controlled environment.



"Dogs are the product of their environment and GENETICS."


First things first. Dogs who have been brought up by well meaning, intelligent dog owners can be dangerous. Dogs who have been brought up very badly can be brilliant, friendly family dogs. There are dogs with problems that have

NOTHING to do with their owner


The popular slogan “its all how you raise them” completely ignores genetics and early development, which happens

outside of an owner’s control, before they acquire the dog.


This is why I am so passionate about working with a dogs genetics and not against them. I want to be able to teach people to communicate with our individual dog which then sets them up for success. Dogs are amoral. They have absolutely no sense of what is right or wrong, good or bad, its more understood as allowed and not allowed or simply what has been reinforced.


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